Saturday, February 26, 2011

The First Seizer

"her*" asked...

"Similarities between Rome and todays america? Obama is a ruthless dictator?"

O-ookay, so what do you mean, and why was this posted in the 'Religion and Spirituality' section?

I read a bio of Julius Ceazer last week and found some really scary smilarities between him and Obama... and i've always thought that if you ignore history, history comes back to bite you so look at this list and THINK about what needs to be done

Ceazer was born outside of Rome, but no one knows where ... Obama was born outside of the US either in Hawai or Kenya but we really dont know.
Ceazer created a welfare state out of rome and so has 0bama
Ceazer took away money from the rich and gave it to the poor and the poor ended up richer and richer until the rich had nothing ... Obama is doing this w/ taxes
Ceazer filled his cabenet with only people he liked and trusted ... so has Obama
Ceazer opened up Romes borders and made everyone outside of Rome a roman citizen... Obama wants to make illegal Mexicans US citizens and open the border between U.s. and Mexico
Ceazer had no respect for Roman tradition and Obama doesnt have any respect for America
Ceazer wanted Rome to go back to being a greek colony ... Obama thinks we should ally with the EU and give up our independence
Ceazer supposedly forced his wife to have an abortion. Obama is pro abortion

and most scarily:
Rome fell just a few years after Ceazer. Whats next for America. ???

wake up, take action"

So I said...

"If you'd really read a bio of Julius Caesar, you'd know how to spell 'Caesar'. Or maybe you could've just gone to and Olive Garden or something and looked under "salads" for the proper spelling.

Let's see: Ol' Julie was born...Well lookee here: in Suetonius, we start with him at age fifteen, since the opening paragraphs concerning his birth and young life 'were destroyed or lost.' Suspicious!

But I'd be very surprised if he wasn't born somewhere in the lands controlled by the republic of Rome. He was from a rich and well-known -and Roman- family, and it's not like travel was easy in those days.
That rumor about him being a foreigner was probably made up by mouth-breathing political opponents who would seize on anything to...Hey, that's a parallell with Obama! You're right! This stuff really does work!

'Created a welfare state,' huh? Well, he was very likely to give the poor people lots of stuff because he knew how likely they were to rise up and start killing people when they got angry. And Obama inherited a welfare state. If you would like to read more bios, I suggest you read one about a man called LBJ.

That third one just isn't true of either Caesar or Obama, so relax.

Every president or emperor or dictator or pope or chancellor or mikado or whatever fills their cabinets with people they like and trust. To do so isn't anywhere near a crime. I know you just copied and pasted this from somewhere, but Jeezus...

Uh, Caesar 'opened up Rome's borders' by conquering all the nearby lands he could. Not exactly being their pals. No "amnesty" for Gauls, either; they didn't automatically get to be citizens -not by a long shot. And the last guy to suggest that U.S. do that with 'illegal Mexicans' was someone you may have heard of named George W. Bush.

Bluh bluh bluh respect, bluh bluh bluh America. You do yourself -and our country- a disservice by being this stupid in public. What? You want the rest of the world to think we're a bunch of morons?

And the one after that isn't true of either Caesar or Obama. Gimme some proof, dummy!

All the Caesar's wives had abortion at one time or another...

'Rome fell just a few years after Ceezer' there, did it? Well, there was kind of another eleven Caesars to go through, and then quite a few many years of further emperors, generally tending to spiral downward in quality, finally leading to...Why am I talking to you?"

And yeah, why would I?

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